My entrepreneurial motto is to have fun and make money. The more fun you have, the more money you will make. And if you’re not having fun – then who cares about the money!
If you had to choose between a boring or fun person to deal with in business – who would you choose as a partner? And selling and business is a bit of a game. It’s a gamble, a risk – hopefully, a calculated risk and not a bet it all on the farm kind of risk. As adults, many have lost their ability to laugh and play at work.
The following is an overview of what you will learn in this course. As each course is customized for every client and team who takes it, we sit down and determine where the skills shortage is and how to overcome it with some masterful training and coaching by an experienced professional sales and marketing expert.
During this course, we will go deeper into the following topics as they are critical to successful selling. This is a MUST take course for those who want to up their game.